Category Archives: NOVE FOTOGRAFIJE

Crkva Marije Snježne u Belcu


Detalj oltara Svete Krunice/Detail of the altar of the Holy Rosary

Crkva Marije Snježne u Belcu
Početkom listopada 2014. godine imao sam priliku posjetiti župnu crkvu Marije Snježne u Belcu koja je gotovo u potpunosti obnovljena nakon radova od 1994. do 2010. godine.  Crkva se prvi puta spominje u XVII stoljeću i zbog svoje ljepote smatra se draguljom baroka.
Osim prekrasno izrađenih oltara (glavni oltar Presvetog Trojstva i Blažene Djevice Marije, oltar Sv. Josipa, oltar Sv. Barbare, oltar Sv. Krunice, oltar Sv. Stjepana Prvomučenika) te propovjedaonice i kora s orguljama, valja istaknuti i freske Ivana Krstitelja Rangera i njegovih učenika.

The Church of Mary of Snow in Belec
In early October 2014, I had the opportunity to visit the parish church of Mary of the Snow in Belec, which was almost entirely rebuilt after the works from 1994 to 2010. The church was first mentioned in the seventeenth century and because of its beauty is considered a jewel of Baroque.
In addition to beautifully crafted altars (the main altar of the Holy Trinity and the Blessed Virgin Mary, ačtar of St. Joseph,  altar of St. Barbara altar of St. Rosary altar of St. Stephen) and  the pulpit , choir with organ, it should be noted the frescoes of Ivan Krstitelj Ranger and  his students.